
Below we present the effects of our products in field and production crops of basic crops, vegetables and herbs. The use of the products improves and stabilises the conditions for plant growth and development, contributes to increased biomass and greater yield stability.

No application
3x application of FusOff A and FusOff B
Effects of using FusOff A and FusOff B in parsley cultivation in a greenhouse facility. The products helped to counteract the development of soil-borne pathogens (Pythium, Fusarium) and to regenerate and stimulate the growth of the root system. Effect already after 3x application of the preparations.
No application
4x application of FusOff A and FusOff B
Effects of using FusOff A and FusOff B in parsley cultivation in a greenhouse facility. The products helped to counteract the development of soil-borne pathogens (Pythium, Fusarium) and to regenerate and stimulate the growth of the root system. Effect already after 4x application of the preparations.
FusOff A i FusOff B
Effect of PoliChron as a foliar spray in tunnel blackberry cultivation. Stimulation of photosynthesis, increase in chlorophyll content, increase in plant vigour and productivity, stimulation of fruit development and protection against pathogens. Effect already after 2x applications.
PoliChron 3 baniaki
Effect of using Polichron in combination with Humi Brown Gold® in a phytotron parsley crop. Spraying was carried out twice, after sowing and one week after the first application.
PoliChron 3 baniaki
Effect of using PeriALL and PoliChron in tunnel pepper cultivation. Fruit evenly coloured, with high flesh and an even size.
PoliChron 3 baniaki
Effects of PeriAll application in greenhouse cucumber cultivation. A clear increase in the root system, especially the root hairs, is visible in the plants after PeriAll application. In addition, more intensive growth and a larger assimilation area already at the first leaf stage.
Yield of medium soybean varieties after application of PeriAll + MegaFos [dt/ha].
Yield results of medium soybean varieties [dt/ha] after application of PeriAll, MegaFos and PoliChron products. The study was conducted under field conditions in cultivated plots.
PoliChron 3 baniaki
No application
1x PeriAll and MegaFos application
Effects of PeriAll and MegaFos in blackberry tunnel cultivation. The effect of stimulating and regenerating the root system after just one application of the products.
Effects of using PeriAll products (not pictured) in combination with MegaFos and Humi Brown Gold® in beet cultivation 2 weeks after sowing. Noticeably better start of vegetation and less mineral deficiency pressure (N, P, K) at the beginning of development.
10 days after MegaFos administration
The effects of using MegaFos in combination with PeriAll and Humi Brown Gold® in tunnel cabbage cultivation. The plants were sown at the same time, the effect of the application of the preparations already visible 10 days after application. The control plants are smaller, with uneven growth, and more weeds are visible compared to the plants after the application of MegaFos and Humi Brown Gold®.
Effect of applying Humi Brown Gold® with microbial products in a maize crop (year 2022) and a spring cereal crop (year 2023). In 2022, Humi Brown Gold® was used in combination with PeriAll in a foliar spray at the 4-6 leaf stage (highlighted field section on the right). As can be seen, the effect of the application of these products still persists one year after application. In 2023, a combination of Humi Brown Gold® with MegaFos and PeriAll bacterial products was applied in the first week of May in a barley crop (highlighted section on the left of the field). The foliar spray was given at the 3-5 leaf stage. The photos show that the sections of the field treated with our products are characterised by a more intensive colouring of the plants and a reduction of the effects of the drought that took place in the spring of 2023 in the province of Lodz.
Effects of MegaFos in combination with Humi Brown Gold® in phytotron basil cultivation. MegaFos was applied twice by spraying: 1 day after sowing the seeds and one week after the first application.
2xHGB control
4xHGB control
Control 2xHGB 4xHGB
Effects of Humi Brown Gold® in the laboratory culture of yellow lupin of the Puma cultivar in a hydroponic system containing: in the control variant - phosphorus-free nutrient solution, in the 2x HBG variant - a double dose of Humi Brown Gold® with phosphorus-free nutrient solution, in the 4x HBG variant - a quadruple dose of Humi Brown Gold® with phosphorus-free nutrient solution. Hard-soluble phosphorus in the form of saltpeter (Super FOS DAR 40™) was added to each system. Visible intensive root system growth after application of Humi Brown Gold® in both tested variants.
Impact of the application of Humi Brown Gold® in strawberry cultivar Rumba. Humi Brown Gold® contributed to a significant increase in yield and a reduction in the number of infested fruits. Research conducted by the University of Life Sciences in Poznań.
Control without water - absolute control, 4x water - 4 applications of water, 2x HBG - 2 applications of HBG (dose 20L-ha-1 in 400L of water) + 2 applications of water, 3x HBG - 3 applications of HBG + 1 application of water, 4xHBG - 4 applications of HBG (no additional water applications)

Recommended product

Take care of your soil

Humi Brown Gold®

Recommended product

Take care of your soil

Humi Brown Gold®

About the LabCenter

We carry out research and development and service activities. We implement the results of research into the production of agro-technical measures. We have established cooperation with several of the country's leading research units and production and commercial entities in the Agro sector, among others.

Contact details

Life Agro Biotechnology sp. z o.o. sp. k
14 Gliniana Street
97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski

NIP 7712843365


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Our products


Biological products

FusOff A and FusOff B

FusOff A and FusOff B are microbiological preparations containing selected bacteria Bacillus spp.which, among other things, support and stimulate the recovery of the root system after stress factors


PoliChron is a microbiological preparation containing selected bacteria Paenibacillus spp.which are derived from the natural soil environment and have a positive effect on crops.


Organic products

LecitOrg Light

LecitOrg Light is a formulation with fungicidal, insecticidal and biocidal activity. Its optimised formulation allows it to be used in a single treatment with microbial products.

LecitOrg Strong

LecitOrg Strong is a formulation with fungicidal, insecticidal and biocidal effects based on the stimulation of natural plant defence mechanisms.

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